

A curtain is the perfect protection from unwelcome glances.(Sichtschutz) Mostly fabrics like cotton, silk or linen are used for the production. They are available in many different designs and thus very popular. The latest colour trend is warm summer colours since they create a cozy feeling. Furthermore, curtains provide even more possibilities besides protecting privacy; for example they avoid radiation heat, protect from noise, light or even dust.(Lärmschutz, Staubschutz)

Curtains can also offer a protection from draught depending on their fabric structure. Curtains are fixed on walls, ceilings or even windows by means of curtain rods.(Gardinenstange) Curtain rods can be made of different materials such as brass, aluminium, plastic, wood and so on. Always to consider is the topic of protection from fire since a large disadvantage of curtains is their high inflammability.

Curtain rods

Curtain rods are available in many shapes, colours and materials. (Gardinenstange) They are often fixed on walls or ceilings whereas a fixation on the window is possible as well. Most of the curtain rods are made of aluminium since it is light-weight and easy to clean. Nevertheless, there are many more materials such as wood which looks very elegant in rooms with plenty of wood inside or plastic rails which can be fixed on plastic windows.

There are no limits to your ideas. One distinguished curtain rod between one- and multi-rail systems whereas the one-rail system is the standard version. The one-rail rod is available as classic tubular rod as inner-course rod. The advantage of inner-course rods is that usual curtains can be fixed to the curtain ribbon by means of a pleat-shift device and thus can be shifted from one side to the other. An alternative, however, is the two-rail system. Two-rail systems offer a large variety of applications since two kinds of curtains can be fixed, for example the covering curtain in the front rail and the net curtain in the back rail.

Panel curtains

A timeless and elegant order of large-surface fabric panels is offered by panel curtains which moreover connect a technical sun protection with a harmonic decoration and thus creates an individual character.(Flächenvoränge) The individual possibility to shift the single panels creates a variable design. There are three kinds of handling: rod, pull-cord or free-movable shifting panel. Shifting panels are the most popular system, since the panels are not only movable manually but can be controlled by magnetic hand clips. Thus the curtains stay clean and are easy to handle.